Spiritual Awakening | 10 Major Signs and Indications

Spiritual life is the most divine and pleasant experience in life.

It is one of the rare virtues one can develop in one’s life.

I came into this transformation after being very active in my social life.

Spiritual Awakening does not come by learning or external guidance but from within.

Some people become spiritual from childhood, while others develop it after some struggles or experiences in life.

It can be a mild feeling for others with a strong sense of being spiritual.

If one gets spiritual zeal, it stays with him till the end.

Those who perceive it seriously would have awakened Kundalini even.

However, in this article, we will see some common traits of the person who has it.

Significant signs of spiritual awakening

1. Feeling something new or evolved mentally

  • This feeling will be like you have discovered something (feeling) that you were not aware of before.
  • You feel your life will change from now and for the better.
  • One may also feel they have been leading a useless life until then.

2. Curiosity and confusion

  • He questions issues like life, suffering, death, birth, afterlife, etc.
  • He also might have answers to the above questions and also read books for those questions.

3. Soft in approach

  • A person with a spiritual awakening would be calm and not lose his temper for most issues.
  • He tries to do his duties with sincerity and devotion.
  • Even if someone tries to abuse him, he will approach it smoothly instead of being harsh.

4. Solitude or associates with like-minded people.

Spiritual awakening can be seen in either of the two behaviors.

a) Solitude

  • He tries to stay alone or in solitude, which could bring him a stable mood.
  • Though he could mix up with others, he prefers solitude, which helps him think and analyze without disturbances.

b) Associating with spiritual or mentally mature people.

group of people praying
  • He tends to meet those who are highly spiritual.
  • He would feel comfortable associating with those searching for wisdom and interested in god-related discourses.
  • He does not worry and tries to stay out of mental agony. Since he is not worried or has lost some of his selfishness, he would be less anxious about the future of life.
  • He prefers to go to places of worship to experience the powers of spirituality or god’s blessings.
  • Spiritual powers can be felt at places of worship. So, he may find these places more pleasant than the regular materialistic world.

5. Helpful to others

  • He would be ready to help others, even if they are strangers.
  • He does this due to his feeling that all are equal and good.
  • He is generally kind to all humans, animals, and nature around. He will be ready to help even strangers without compulsions.

6. Sensitive by heart

  • He becomes sensitive by heart and dislikes rude behavior.
  • It tends to avoid people with evil intentions.
  • Tries to stay in the company of people with a soft heart and honesty. He does not like to cheat others or misbehave with others.

7. Believes in the presence of Superpower

women praying-spiritual awakening
  • He tends to believe in the presence of some power or knowledge beyond comprehension. 
  • He tries to learn who the god or almighty is who runs the universe.

8. The desire for a blissful life

blissful woman
  • He does not value materialistic life as before.
  • If he is interested in worldly life, comforts, etc., he will slowly overcome them and even avoid them.

9.  Spiritual reading

  • Since he is curious and has many questions about the truth, he tries to find answers by reading sacred scriptures or texts.
  • If possible, he will try to acquire knowledge of spirituality and wisdom through books.

10. Practice Yoga, meditation or chanting

meditation in group

Spiritual awakening creates a desire to have a stable and pleasant mood. Hence, one tends to adopt meditation, yoga, or even chanting.

This way, he can stabilize his mood and emotions to tackle daily stress or disturbances.

On the personal front

You will also find symptoms like

1. Thoughts. He would always have thoughts aiming towards wisdom and divinity.

2. The desire for better health: He might be interested in health as it helps him travel and perceive his path.

3. Soft and friendly food: He prefers soft and smooth food. He may give up junk foods and even a non-veg diet.

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