Many people have the attitude of self-harassment in some or another form. This is a habit in the long run and has an effect on one’s lifestyle, family, career, reputation, and health.
Self-harassment is an intentional way of causing pain or damage to oneself, which can affect health, career, relationship, social reputation, etc. This is done for the sake of less valued benefits like laziness, procrastination, or desperate attachment, etc. It is quite common that many people even don’t notice that they have it.
This attitude is a way to give and take a phenomenon, which means one gets something by giving up something. Though it seems to be normal, if this tendency is exceeding, it can be troublesome or a problem to the person having it.
This becomes a habit gradually and the doer doesn’t know it or realize it if he is actually doing it.

The different types of self-harassment include:
- Drinking.
- Dressing for skin show.
- Smoking
- Staying hungry.
- Excessive fasting
- Staying thirsty.
- Not going to the toilet due to shyness or hesitancy.
- Not eating the right food. Eating just for the taste or lack of interest to eat healthy (laziness).
- Trying to avoid walking, though, there is a tendency to do so. (Due to status or public glare.
- Not changing the dress once you are in the room or alone. I.e., staying informal (not comfortable ones as loose clothes).
- Watching movies/ tv or playing games just a means to kill time.
- Not sleeping at the right time. This happens when one spends good time for fun and suddenly things to complete the work in spite of lack of or delay in sleep.
- Not saying what you feel.
- Not doing what you like.
- Trying to avoid people so as to live in one’s own world.
- Telling lies again and again to make your false a true.
- Trying to convince others by changing your behavior or character etc.
Drinking (Alcoholism): Alcohol a beverage that is used to keep up the body warm and flexible in times of heavy cold. But many people get addicted to it due to depression or lack of self-control. This leads to heavy drinking and the person can be troublesome to his family, to his society around and even damage his own health. Many alcoholics die due to liver damage, peptic ulcer and sometimes intense drinking leading to deep coma and death.
Dressing for skin show: This is not fearful self-harassment, but still, it can be an issue tormenting the mind or health. This is seen especially in women who try to dress up to look attractive in cold climates or very hot sunlight. Sometimes, women dislike this skin exposure but still do it for fashion needs or appear on the screens.
Smoking: Smoking cigars is another habit which was developed to overcome cold or for sort of thrill in the early days. But this keeps up tormenting individual health seriously. Though many smokers know it is irritating to others and problematic to their own health, they still smoke to come out of stress or depression.
Staying hungry: This is a habit even in well-mannered people where they postpone their meals for sake of a business meeting or other important purposes. This done very rarely cannot be a problem, but there are many who do it often or every other day. In trying to run for a goal, one may end up fighting for good health.
Excessive fasting: This is a trend seen among Hindus and other religious practitioners. They tend to keep up the whole day fast, which might sometimes go for a whole week or two.
Though this is a religious measure sometimes, it can be very problematic to normal health.
Staying thirsty: This is a common habit seen among most people. They tend to stay thirsty and even forget that body signal to have a glass of water being busy with something or so lazy to go and have a glass of water. In the long run, it is problematic to normal health.
Not going to the toilet due to shyness or hesitancy: This is seen especially among women who do not go to toilets at offices, conferences, meetings, etc. They hesitate to go and have some sort of self-harassment in this way.
Not eating the right food: This is another awkward habit seen among youngsters mostly. They tend to run for junk foods out of taste, ignoring the balanced diet. They also eat just for the sake of taste, even if not hunger.
Trying to avoid walking, though, there is a tendency to do so. (Due to status or public glare. At some point of age, there is a body signal to walk for comfort. Walking gives flexibility in blood flow, muscle movements, etc. Yet some people find no time to walk. They suppress the desire to stay lazy and there is harassment inside the mind. One should develop the discipline to overcome this.
Not changing the dress once you are in the room or alone: Once you come from the workplace or long ride, it is good to get fresh up and even changing to lose outfits. But some have a tendency to stay as-is for a long time out of laziness to get fresh and relax.
Watching movies/ T.V or playing games non-stop: This habit is seen among those who like to kill time; they avoid their regular duties towards their job or family and try to run out of the real world. For this, they resort to watching T.V or movies and even playing video games out of fantasy.
Not sleeping at the right time. Sleeping at the right time is an essential aspect of health. But many delay their sleep. This happens when one spends good time for fun and suddenly things to complete the work in spite of lack of or delay in sleep. They even might watch a movie or go for an outing with their partners at unusual times.
Not saying what you feel: Saying what you say is a type of freedom of expression. And many countries have given the freedom of speech. But we notice many of us try to control the urge to speak out of fear or hesitancy. One may hesitate to propose their dream girl or boy. One may fear to speak out loud against the government or authorities to express their pain etc. In the long run, the person hesitant or afraid of is a loss and not their counterparts.
Not doing what you like: This means doing jobs which one doesn’t like. You can notice many people doing jobs though they like to be in social service or a policeman etc. They do it out of social fear. Also, some people take bribes because they are forced to. They are afraid of being corrupt as they have an innate fear of being caught for mischief. But still, they do out of compulsion.
Trying to avoid people so as to live in one’s own world. This is a different habit seen in people with depression or any other drawback. They try to avoid society for long and in doing so, they themselves spoil their health or career, or relationships.
Trying to convince others by changing your behavior or character etc.
Telling lies again and again to make your false a true.
The reasons for self harassment include.
1. for the sake of love.
2. A desire to divert the mind from problematic issues.
3. Due to fantasy and addiction etc.
Superior thinking demonstrated above. Thanks!