Problems with Religion | In Society and World

Religion is a culture with a specific set of practices, views, ethics, texts, holy places, and prophecies. There are many religions in the world, and these have enormous psychological control over humans.

Though there are good and worthwhile issues related to religion, they are also equally damaging to human society.

However, I would say that not all religions are evil. Some of them are good and even nature and human-friendly.

But, even these religions are used for selfish purposes by few people causing problems to other followers.

The problems with religions include

  1. Restrictions in life
  2. Forceful livelihood
  3. Gender inequality
  4. Psychological fear
  5. Misuse

Restriction in life

Few religions put many restrictions on life. They force people to do certain things, eat some kind of food and to wear a specific kind of dress. Though this could be acceptable to some but not by all. Those who do not wish to follow will face severe criticism, humiliation, and even sometimes banned from society.

Forceful livelihood

Most religions force some or other lifestyle patterns. They ask them to pray at certain times, eat, bathe, and even practice a few procedures during nature calls. This is taught to the child from childhood.

So when he grows up, his mind is confused about why he has to follow and what happens if he does not follow. Thus, many continue with livelihood patterns until their death. The mind is so much trained that, they may even never ask on why should something be done as per religion.

Religion as per wikipedia is a culture with specific set of practices, views, ethics, texts, holy places and prophecies. There are many religions in the world and these have an enormous psychological control over humans. Though there are good and worthwhile issues related to religion. They are also equally damaging to human society. However, i would say that not all religions are bad. Some of them are good and even nature and human friendly. But, even these religions are used for selfish purposes by few people causing problems to other followers. The problems with religions include Restrictions in life Forceful livelihood Gender inequality Psychological fear Misuse Restriction in life Few religions put many restrictions to life. They force people to do certain things, eat some kind of food and to wear specific kind of dress. Though this could be acceptable to some but not by all. Those who do not wish to follow will face severe criticism, humiliation and even sometimes banned from society. Forceful livelihood Most religions forces some or other life style patterns. They ask them to pray at certain times, eat, bathe and even practice few procedures during nature calls. This is taught to the child from childhood. So when he grows up, his mind is confused on why he has to follow and what happens if he does not follow. Thus, many continue with livelihood patterns till their death. The mind is so much trained that, they may even never ask on why should something be done as per religion. Gender inequality Religion is also one of the places with gender inequality. Some religions restrict women while other religion respect women. But the end result would be that women are always in disadvantage position in society. Psychological fear Most religions create psychological fear in the minds regarding birth, death and other issues. Though these could be useful to prevent violent behavior in the name of sin, some religions encourage it. People with this psychological views try to convert others into their religion and even go to the extent of using violence to achieve the goal. Misuse Religions also provide a way to misuse their practices by others. This can be seen in terms of discouraging the scientific discoveries or thoughts. Misuse of women, children and other with less social stature. Though this article seems to be a brief view without specific examples, i think one could find more in regular news and also history.

Gender inequality

Religion is also one of the places with gender inequality. Some religions restrict women while other religions respect women. But the result would be that women are always in a disadvantaged position in society.

Psychological fear

Most religions create psychological fear in the minds regarding birth, marriage, death, and other issues. Though these could be useful to prevent violent behavior in the name of sin, some religions encourage it. People with this psychological views try to convert others into their religion and even go to the extent of using violence to achieve the goal.

They will adopt methods like rigorous population expansion, biased voting without regard for corruption and misrule.


Religions also provide a way to misuse their practices by others. This can be seen regarding discouraging scientific discoveries or thoughts. Misuse of women, children and others with less social stature.

They encourage to have more children or multiple partners or sometimes encourage divorces.

Though this article seems to be a brief view without specific examples, I think one could find more in regular news and also history.

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  1. I grew up jewish bar -mit or battered mitsvah and saying your not jewish is like a perah worse than horthones scalet A and way are they after this ecause of others milined and persecuted durung ww2 by germany. it is illogical and adhomin to overgroup overgeneralize because of john locke not experinceing free thought type of atheism and when i was born seeing myself slowly retreating via thyoid to ineminal deases but all comnmets with not wanting nor wishing to be born in a religioius world yet want to live

  2. Religion makes people flee reality. It wants the practicer to abandon reason and embrace faith. Once you choose a religion, you are immediately divided from society. Hubris places you above others in society. All in all, religion is pernicious, if not patently deceptive. Best done away with and quickly.


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