Importance of Family | Its Role in our Life

Human is social being, and he craves for a company of people to live with, called family.

The benefits of a family to a person are as outlined below.

  1. Parent care
  2. Health care
  3. Social responsibility
  4. Mental stability
  5. Financial security
  6. Childhood and old-age care
  7. Guidance
  8. Education
  9. Spiritual direction

And the benefits for society are

  1. Social security
  2. Human well being
  3. Growth and development
  4. To enhance communication
  5. Better health
  6. Organized life
  7. Physiological support
  8. Retain memories
  9. Live responsibly.
  10. Sustenance of humanity

A family is essential in life as it determines a person’s mental status, professional life, and behavior in the society around.

A family is just not limited to getting married but maintaining a cluster of things associated with it.

In childhood having parents, brothers and sisters are a family. In adult age, having a wife and kids is a family. Being taken care of by grown-up kids, their spouses, and children are a family in old age.

Also, there is an assumption that women need a family more than a man. But in real life, it is not so. Everyone will need a family for some life support. Even if one is not married, he can depend on his brothers or sister’s family for some support.

Importance of family in life

A family starts with parents for everyone.

Loving Parents are living forms of god as they can give unconditional love and support to their children.

importance of family in life - parents

They steer the child’s life to a great extent in the most beneficial way.

A child does not know how to eat, bathe, talk, behave, etc.

Parents are the first teachers and guide him on how to do routine life activities.

They also guide him regarding friends and tell him about harmful things and how to avoid dangers.

Importance of family for Health

Having is good for health. One with a family will have good health, i.e., both mental health and physical one too.

The people of the family take care of each other out of love and affection.

If someone is disturbed, others will console them and help overcome the problem.

If it is a physical ailment, then they will aid in getting proper medical care and also be with you till you recover.

If you remember, your parents or another family member would have asked you to have food when it’s time.

Why is Family Important-role in child life

They would have awakened you from sleep also and even asked you to sleep at the right time instead of late nights.

So they tell you many things needed for proper health due to their own experiences.


A person with a family is more responsible in society. He takes good care of his family and also the society around them.

He is conscious of people’s perceptions of him and his character.

So he tries to mend his ways so that society and his family members’ appreciate him and look at him with respect.

Mental Stability

A person with a family is more stable in life. He is confined to a place most of his life as per the needs of his family.

So he can give a good performance in his job or business.

Moreover, as we already saw before, he is in good health and fit to perform his duties well.

He will have fixed goals in life concerning himself and his family.

So he keeps working towards those goals with commitment.

In doing so, he will be stable as it will make him reach his and his family’s goals.

Financial security

  • By financial security, I don’t mean one will be rich or live an extravagant life. But due to family, one can have financial support and stability.
  • In case of need, you have people who will help you.
  • If one is from a low-income family, still possible to help can be available.
  • Also, you will have people among the family who will guide you into education and a bright career to ensure you are financially well off.

Support in childhood and old age

  • One needs proper care and support in childhood and old age.
  • In childhood, children and parental relationships play an important role in the upbringing of the child.
  • Due to parents, most of the children avail of proper food, clothing, guidance, and health care.
  • But those who do not have parents suffer a lot.
  • They tend to get into the bad company of friends and even engage their life in illegal ways.
Why is Family Important - grand parents
  • In old age, after retirement, one cannot handle himself well due to physical instability.
  • One may need good care to take medicines on time and also sufficient food and rest.

The presence of family helps derive these benefits. Even if not a wife, one can have their children to take care of him.

So besides pension plans, one should develop a good family for a comfortable life in old age.

Even having grandchildren is one of the time passers and helps enjoy life with fun.

Also, if both the wife and husband are out at work, grandparents can take kids at home instead of babysitters.


Being a part of a family is one of the factors for happiness. Many argue that people might have a difference of opinions and clashes emotionally due to the family.

But still, being in a marriage or having a good family provides happiness. It is in the hands of us to change our family members for a better life.

Family life is one of the means to derive happiness filled with honesty and trust.


Everyone needs a guide to steer him in the right direction in life. A family is one where one can get this guidance with complete trust and love. Members of the family can guide you without any expectations or benefits in return.

They can guide you in career, marriage, health, relationship, and other aspects of life. Hence, you can notice those with proper family support from elders would have fewer chances of breakups in marriage.


Having a loving family gives strength and courage in life. That is the reason why many people from minority communities give rise to many kids. They are of the view that having a big family gives an edge in social dealings.

Since many countries are democratic, even we can notice that politicians try to value big families for the sake of gaining votes from that family.

Also, in social life, we can notice people giving more weight to those coming from big families. The feel of having a relationship helps one communicate better and move along well with society.


The family, especially parents, educate their children. In fact, the process of learning starts with the parents themselves. Mother is considered the first teacher for every child.

By experience, they know the importance of education, so they encourage and sometimes force their children to go to school at such a young age.

Those kids without parents tend to be illiterate as they have none to guide them in that direction. But those kids with a family always are pursued to join the school and attend them regularly.

Many parents treat educating their kids as an important duty. So education is initiated and provided by the family.

Spiritual path

Many of us get into the spiritual path due to the family. The family tells us to worship the almighty and go to temples or other places of worship. So the thought of God and the importance of spirituality start with family.

Social security

The presence of families enhances social security. A person during his childhood does not know what to do and how to do it. The presence of family like parents, grandparents guides him on the right path.

He follows a humble path since he has avoided associating himself with the wrong company like drug addicts, goons, etc. Thereby he avoids problems for himself and also the people around him. Thus, society can be secured.

Human well being

Human, in general, is a social animal. He always likes to live in a fellow company. The presence of a family gives him the life company. This helps to grow well during childhood due to parents.

Live a dedicated life after marriage due to love for a spouse. He will also get proper support during old age after retirement until death. So, the family contributes to the overall well-being of humans.

Growth and development

A person with a family tends to focus on his career, business, and other activities very well. Because he will have someone to think of him when he is busy, he can concentrate well on his growth and development due to a family.

To enhance communication

Not everyone has similar levels of communication. This communication is essential for ease of life and doing things. The presence of a family greatly helps improve communication. Since even at home, the person is among family members, he is always under some communication with them.

Comparatively, if you see someone who is alone without a family, you will notice he would have some sort of communication issue. Of course, this does not apply to all.

Like those who have many friends and better office relationships, etc., may not have these problems. But still, families play a large role in the enhancement of communication.

Better health

Health is one of the key areas which indicate the importance of family. A family takes care of our health since our birth. Even we are not matured to know if we are healthy or not, our health is taken care of. Without families, it would be tough to grow up well and lead a healthy long life.

Organized life

family organized life

An organized life is essential for a peaceful flow of life. This organized life comes with a family. Ever notice yourself when living alone during adolescence or teenage or a bachelor’s life.

You will see that you did not keep your room and bed well. You did not care for your clothes for being put in the proper place etc.

You will not find such careless issues when you live in a family because you will be instructed to organize things. Also, you will feel someone is always watching you with good intentions regarding it.

Even family members ask you to go to school, take up a college education and the right career, etc.

Thus life goes on in an organized fashion. This is not only beneficial to the individual but also the whole society.

Psycological support

This is the biggest asses of having a family during adulthood and old age. When you have problems due to office politics, strained relations with other family comes to your rescue.

They would like to advise how to deal with it and if they should be worried about it. Thus you could relax without further agony at home. Even if you fail an exam or lose a career, the family members help you manage the mental pressure.

Retain memories

family memories

Memories are useful to avoid making the same mistakes again. And memories are always carried by families. It is not the books or memory drives but the people living in a family. The mistakes of the past, like a few decades or centuries ago, would be remembered in families. Such mistakes are avoided in the future.

This helps for better life and peace.

Live responsibly.

A person with a family lives responsibly. This is because of attachment for them; he never tries to bring the problem home. He lives as a better citizen, uses his voting rights properly as a part of democracy, etc. Once imagine why a person would need a job or business without a family. Doing a job or business is a way you contribute to your nation. So, having a family makes you be a better citizen.

Sustenance of humanity

Humanity means family values, ethics of life, sympathy, tolerance, etc. Being a human is possible only with a family. Since you have better health, mental support, and a feeling of betterment, you are a little stressed.

So, you can think of living by values and be sympathetic to those in trouble. You tend to be kind to others around you, including animals and plants.

Without family, you would be stressed and have no patience to show kindness to others. Thus, families help in the maintenance of human values and beliefs.

Thus, a family is very important for pleasant living in this world.

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