Impact of Spirituality on Health and Life

Spirituality is an approach to life where one tends to understand life on Broadway.

Instead of living a regular life with desires and struggles, one tries to overcome them and live with peace.

Many consider spirituality to be an option, but frankly speaking, it is the only way to a better life.

It can make humans more compassionate and live in harmony among themselves and nature.

However, do not assume that spirituality and religion are the same.

Religion can be a tool to manipulate others, but spirituality is beyond one’s preview.

Impact of Spirituality on Life

On mental health 

Spirituality has a significant effect on the mental health of the person.

It can relieve a person of psychological stress, trauma, anxiety, and depression.

It can help overcome any issues with social behavior and adaptability.

Unlike medical intervention, it is smooth and comes from within so that the changes can be permanent and good for both the individual and society.

But, people also assume religious propaganda is spiritual.

It also helps overcome drug addiction or intoxication.

Imparting spirituality to others singly or in a group is almost impossible.

So, the best way would be to practice and let others practice meditation.

Personality development

A spiritual person has a better personality than most other commoners.

He tries to live a life of hard work, ethics, and being helpful and useful to others.

He is less egoistic and miserable and can regulate his anger and other violent behavior.

Thus, he would have a great personality that is inspiring and appreciated by others.

Impact on health and illness

Family gathering before God portrait-impact of spirituality
Family in a spiritual mood

A person’s health depends on his mind, work, food habits, and other activities.

When a person gets spiritual, he starts looking into himself and gets sufficient time to observe his health.

He will be able to understand his body requirements and adapt accordingly.

Thus, spirituality promotes self-healing from within.

Even the fear or anxiety is overcome naturally, leading to faster disease recovery.

Due to these benefits of spirituality, researchers think providing a spiritual outlook to patients and caregivers.

In nursing and patient care

Nursing is intimately involved with patient care, and it requires ethics.

So, spiritual practice helps nurses serve their patients with affection and respect. This way of proper care would help in the faster healing of the patient.

This way, they can help the patients around the clock without being rude or aggressive.

Impact on suicidal thoughts

A person with depression or an experience of abuse tries to have suicidal thoughts.

This is primarily because of evil thoughts or helplessness and also depression.

When such a person moves on a spiritual track, he gets relieved of negative thoughts and depression.

He will have a positive outlook on life and try to serve instead of brooding over past problems.

Thus, spiritual life helps people come out of self-destructive thoughts.

On academic performance

Academic performance is better in those students who lead a spiritual life.

Academic performance requires discipline, a cool head, and curiosity to learn.

A spiritual lifestyle helps the students gain discipline, peace of mind, and a desire to learn naturally.

It also inculcates morals and a desire for social service, which could be the ultimate goal of education.

Impact of workplace

Workplaces are mostly filled with politics, stress, egos, and frustrations.

A spiritual approach in the workplace can be helpful to mitigate the above feelings among the workers.

With a spiritual approach, workers tend to organize themselves better and get things done better and faster.

Thus, it would improve employee attitudes and engagement in work.

Effects on adulthood and other factors.

Spiritual life helps one see others with compassion and pure love. They see others as their own family and are less inclined to violence and abuse.

They may adopt celibacy till marriage or for life.

They may stop eating meat, smoking, and drinking intoxicants as they consider it to be painful to the animals or harmful to others.

Impact on the social wellbeing

A spiritual approach to life would lead to a safer world without wars and fights.

Humans can live peacefully with each other and also approach life with dignity and respect for others.

Once people have a sense of respect, society will be ideal and harmonious.

Hence, if you read history, you will notice that people of those countries with spirituality as a prime approach to life had unlimited wealth, peace, and social harmony.

Also, they did not attack other countries as they were content. This lasted unless they lost the significance of spiritual life due to external influences.

How does spirituality affect society?

When spirituality thrives in a society, people are so helpful to each other.
They do not look at everything in monetary terms and tend to help each other with at least basic necessities like food, clothing, and shelter.
And also, there would be no question of violence and theft.


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