How to Calm the Mind? 8 Easy Tips

The human mind is calm during childhood, and it becomes restless as we grow.

In some intellectuals, it can be hyperactive, leading to a disturbance of health and everyday life.

It is always flooded with nonstop thoughts filled with either memories or future imaginations.

This constant mental activity can deprive your peace of mind and happiness in life.

On long-standing, this hyperactivity leads to depression, anxiety, insomnia, arrhythmias, and paralysis.

So one needs to calm down the brain waves and relax for better health and peaceful life.

You can read the factors contributing to a hyperactive mind in the later part of the article.

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Methods to calm the mind

1. Engage in Physical work

The food we eat generates energy and this has disipate in some way.

And one of the ways is through mind and physical activity.

So, when this energy is not disposed of physically, it tends to go for disposal by hyper neuronal activity.

The more excess energy in the body, the more mental activity.

So, engaging in physical work burns these excess calories through muscles and limits the energy available to the brain.

This way, the brain will be less active and also gets tired and you will have a sound sleep.

Further, the body remains flexible and helps to keep the brain in control.

When the brain is in control one is naturally calm.

2. Opt for Exercise and Physical workouts

If you are into indoor jobs or some office-related work, the chances of performing heavy physical work are meager.

In such a case, adopting physical workouts like jogging, walking, swimming, or the gym will help burn off the excess energy and keep the body fit.

Remember the phrase “A sound mind in a Sound Body.”

3. Practice Yoga

Yoga is the practice of rejuvenating the whole body with self-control.

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It uses different physical techniques and breathing methods to control to maintain the mind and body in proper coordination.

Regular yoga not only keeps the mind peaceful but also brings a positive outlook in life.

Even breathing exercises like pranayamas are great for thought control.

4. Practice Meditation

As per astrology, planets like mars and other nodes affect the mind of a person. And for those with malefic Mars, there is an instable mind.

And the best remedy for this is meditation and yoga.

A deeper focus on internal peace and relaxation is provided by meditation.

Regular meditation practice with slow and deep breathing will help calm the overactive mind in a few minutes.

Meditation, along with yoga, will help reduce stress.

5. Social gatherings

This is a very natural method and easily adaptable.

If you feel hyperactive, go and meet some people and have a chat.

It will bring your mind activity levels equal to that of your friends or people around you. This helps normalize the thoughts faster.

Try to have regular meetings with friends and family for stability and calmness.

Also, better relationships keep you stress-free and avoid the feeling of loneliness.

6. Get Sufficient sleep.

Staying awake at night for a long also keeps the brain active.

Haven’t you noticed that you have restlessness when you miss the routine sleep schedule on any particular day?

Even you find it difficult to sleep after the normal hours of yawing.

Sleep and relaxation adequately reduces brain electrical activity and stress. This way it also provide strength to regulate your thoughts.

Adults should have at least 7 to 9 hours of sleep and try to go to bed before 11 PM at night.

But, sleeping around 9 PM at night and waking up around 5 AM is the best option for mental health.

7. Read or write Books

This is another technique to achieve calmness and unwanted thoughts.

Reading focuses your thoughts on what you read. So reading any pleasant adventures, spiritual books, etc., will bring your peace.

Writing brings coordination of hand and brain and helps slow your thoughts to coordinate your writing skill.

Besides, this activity consumes your brain’s energy, and gets you tired and makes you fall asleep.

8. Plan your work

Early in the morning, when you are awake and going for a walk or getting ready, make plans on what you want to do in the day.

This puts much more focus on what to do at the moment than unnecessary anxiety.

Also, this work plan helps you stay disciplined and complete work making you stress-free. Stress relief calms the mind and helps to relax.

If you are a techie you can use the app for your mobile to plan the day’s work.

9. Handlw the situations with a positive approach

During routine life, there will be few situations where we face embarrassment, due to which we develop anger.

Handling such a situation helps avoid stress, save your ego, and avoid later unnecessary thoughts.

In such a situation, taking deep breaths and drinking water can reduce anxiety and stress.

Factors contributing to Hyperactive Mind.

Life style

One of the prominent factors for the hyperactive mind is the current lifestyle of humans.

This current lifestyle easily triggers the hyperactive mind.

The mind should be in coordination with the physical body and work. But when the mind is more active than the body, the consequence is a hyperactive mind.

Since one is always forced to mingle with modern gadgets or technology, there is a lack of time for social involvement and spending time for oneself.

This leads to a situation where the mind broods past memories or imaginations about the future.

Due to television, video games, smartphones, and social websites, people tend to be ever busy with themselves. So the mind is kept active for a long.

Lack of physical activity

In the past, one needed to walk a lot, work by physical means, play outdoor games, etc., so he had less energy for the brain. Due to this, it gets tired and desires rest.

But in modern days, there is less physical work and more mental work.

So man has been addicted to being overactive. We see many around us who are busy with their smartphones and laptops.

Instead of talking and building relationships with colleagues, we build relationships on social sites.

So the brain is engaged in thinking, creativity, and fun.

In contrast, the rest of the body is completely rested.

Lack of nutritious food

This is another factor that many of us do not consider.

The type of food, the taste, and the nutrient content in the food also affect our mood and mind.

Our brain is made of neurons and supporting matter that is protected by a cover called the blood-brain barrier. This barrier prevents any toxic material from coming to the brain from the body.

But, food production is currently exposed to toxins and pollutants a lot.

So food ingredients also have got decreased food value and more toxic value.

Due to modernization, we can get everything to eat in a simplified manner.

But the food we eat now is less nutritious than before, which cannot sustain the high brain requirements.

To complicate further, we do not eat a balanced diet. Instead, we eat whichever is readily available.

So, overall there is decreased nutrition and enhanced toxins affecting brain function.

Desires and goals.

Nowadays, some people fantasize about having dreams and goals in life.

In doing so, they focus their energies on achieving something big in life. But unconsciously, they neglect rest, sleep and proper body care.

Further, those people with dreams forget the fact that success also depends on factors like luck and destiny.

I have noticed that the human mind gets excited and hyperactive by dreaming of some goals.

In the long run, this seems to be more harmful than good.

So goals and desires should not overtax our brain leading to hyperactivity.

Nature of work.

Before the advent of technology, most of the work was done manually. Children needed to go to school physically by walk or bicycle.

Adults needed to work physically in most places, including the kitchen at home.

But now. most of the work requires less physical work and more mental effort. This leads to a lack of coordination between physical activity and mental activity.

So, the brain’s activity has gone up, but the rest of the body has diminished greatly.

Even the body seems to have lost control over the thoughts. So we need to seek physical work than bench works for better thought control.


This is a silent yet powerful cause. We are prone to one or another pollution every day, like dust pollution, water, sound, radiation (mobiles and wifi), etc.

This pollution has dramatically affected health and weakened the body.

It is believed that radiation pollution is the cause of depression, stress, heart arrhythmia, giddiness, etc.

These mental-related issues do not seem to harm immediately but do it over a long time.


How to stay calm when you know you’ll be stressed

Start taking slow and deep breaths while you are stressed. This will make you calm.


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  1. I have boards next month and I can't study … I haven’t studied at all and I don't think I want to… I am going through a serve financial and emotional crisis for almost 3 yrs now …..i starve half of the time and nowadays I just feel like crying …and there is none I can talk to…. so please help … I don't think I can take a second more of this torture
    … I don't know what to do…


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