Is God Good? If So, Why is there Suffering

Is god good

God is neither good nor evil. He is just doing his duty towards his creation.So, who is hurting you? Why do bad things happen to you?It is your karma that is hurting and the reason for happenings.But latest see this …

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How to Test God? Tips from my Experience


God, as we believe, is a supreme authority who runs this universe. Man has been into believing him for ages, and his search for God is not complete. But, still, he is believed to be existing by famous personalities of …

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Spiritual Reading | List of Favorite Books

spiritual reading

Spiritual reading is a practice of reading books, and articles, to help grow spiritually. Some of the essential books for spiritual reading include Bhagavad Geetha. Bhagavata Puran Gautama Buddha life story An autobiography by a yogi. Bible (new testament) Shirdi …

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