Dear visitor, welcome to the site mind controversy.
The site is maintained by Ranga. Nr, who acts as the contributing editor. He is a professor in pharmacology and also a farmer.
As you might have experienced, peace of mind is one of the essential requirements of life. But it is a scarce element in the present society.
This peace is present in those with a calm and stable mind.
As per the Buddha, ‘If you do not control your mind, your mind controls you.’
This indicates how important it is to train the mind for personal and social well-being.
Our mind is the cause of all the sorrows, health problems, and social disturbances.
It always tries to brood over past memories or imagine future problems.
To overcome this, one can engage their mind to have peace with proper relationships, spiritual life, and a better lifestyle.
Even social issues and a safe environment are essential for us to survive in peace.
If humans keep running behind movies, entertainment, and hotels, in search of one thing called happiness, they might find temporary relief.
But, animals possess this peace of mind on a long-lasting basis while highly educated humans lack it.
This is because we have an analytical mind while they do not. But the same analytical mind thinks and moves in the wrong way creating trouble.
So this site is dedicated to imparting knowledge on how to gain peace of mind naturally and to a complete extent by guiding through spiritual lines, social relationships, help through astrology and more.
You can contact us at contact (at) mindcontroversy (dot) com.